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Sacred Geometry I

Sacred Geometry is the key to unlocking the Universe. Everything is made up of patterns, numbers, letters, and sounds. When we came to Earth we left ourselves geometry as a connection to Spiritual Realms. By working with Sacred Geometry you awaken to the power that lives inside of you.

In the Mystery School we do not teach you about the subject, we give you tools so that YOU can bring this energy into your life and let life teach you about the subject. It is one thing to know a lot about sacred geometry, it’s completely another to LIVE sacred geometry.

Each level in this series builds on the last, and awakens the powers of sacred geometry in you and in your life. Sacred Geometry is the building blocks of all things. To understand how the Universe creates ensures that YOU will know how to create in your own life and live AS A CREATOR!

August 24

Spiritual Intuition I: Aurora & Jodie

September 20

Astral Travel I