Astral Travel

1. Life Activation
2. Astral Travel Level 1

Learn the art of expanding consciousness to travel outside the realms of physical reality. This class teaches the tools and techniques to explore other dimensions safely and effectively.

  • Are you intrigued by astral travelling?

  • Have you ever wanted to try it but didn’t know how or where to start?

  • Have you done it before but want it to be more consistent?

Astral Travelling is the art & science of expanding ones consciousness. For those who want to know themselves as spiritual beings, astral travelling is the key. To expand the mind beyond what it thinks is possible. The Modern Mystery School astral travel training dispels the myths of astral travel and gives you the tools to create a consistent practice at home.

Astral Travelling is essential for our psychic development. We need to break beyond the 3 dimensional world, expanding our awareness and consciousness. Astral travelling is also an essential part of opening our 3rd eye. In this module you’ll learn safe and effective tools and exercises to astral travel with control.

Prerequisite: Sacred Geometry Level 1

4 hour course

Advanced Astral Travel

On the advanced astral travel training we take your practice to the next level.

You will learn:

  • Laying down techniques with allow us to travel deeper

  • Techniques to leave your body and stay in control

  • How to astral project

  • How to remote view

  • When and when not to remote view

  • Astral travelling through time

  • Advanced techniques to open the third eye

If you do these techniques consistently, you will one day have an experience that will stop you from doubting ever again.

This is a really fun course, and one you won’t want to miss.