Shamballah Laboratory
and the Modern Mystery School

All Shamballah Laboratory practitioners are Initiates in the Modern Mystery School lineage and proudly train with the school. Through the power of activation, initiation and the wisdom of the lineage of King Salomon, the Modern Mystery School provides the tools, teachings, healings, services, classes and programs that enable the initiate to transform themselves, coming into a state of truly knowing themselves. To “Know Thyself” is the motto of the mystery school. The Modern Mystery School facilitates this process by creating a sacred and safe space, through which the exploration of metaphysics, spiritual practice and service, the initiate embarks on a journey of deep self discovery, delving into the layers of themselves, so that you may come into awareness of their divine nature and purpose here on earth.

you may be wondering…


By definition, a Mystery School is a group of initiates who have dedicated themselves to preserving, protecting and perpetuating the mystery teachings.

Throughout the ages the Mystery Schools have hidden in plain sight. They have built magnificent temples all over the world and provided services both to the public and behind closed door for only ‘those who have eyes to see,’ and ‘those who have ears to hear.’

The initiates are those who are known as the Guardians, the Protectors, the Light bearers, the Teachers, the Healers, the Record Keepers, the Magicians, the Watchers, among many other names.


There are 7 Ancient Mystery Schools on the planet. These 7 are located in North America, England, Romania, Australia, Japan, Tibet and Africa. Six of which are closed to the public. The Modern Mystery School is the only school open to the public. It is the only school to publicly advertise and promote the various initiations into The Great Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.

The Modern Mystery School currently has centres located throughout Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil, Tokyo, South Africa, the Caribbean, the Philippines and is constantly growing throughout the world.


Until very recently, mystery school teachings were kept under lock and key in their respective institutions. These teachings are the keys to living an enlightened and empowered life.

There was a time when all of humanity used to live, think and act with a common understanding that was in alignment with the greater good of all.  That time has long since passed, and these keys of enlightenment became a threat to forces that desired to control humanity.  These forces, individuals, governments and others tried to eliminate this knowledge from earth, sometimes in overt ways. The wars of the ancients and of modern day were not always about what the history books may tell us. The mystery school teachings were forced to go underground in order to protect and preserve the sacred teachings.

Since then, one would have to be invited in to the school to study, after careful observation, only once that individual had truly proven themselves ready and dedicated. Many mystery schools to this day still operate in this way. However, the Modern Mystery School is considered an “open” mystery school.

There are massive shifts of energy occurring on the planet today, and humanity is once again waking up to its true divine nature. It is time once again to live in an enlightened society. The Modern Mystery School believes in giving everyone the right to choose to pursue the path of initiation into the Light, by creating the opportunity and opening its doors to all who seek it.

We are ready to take the next step forward in our evolution, that we embrace our divinity here in the physical.


Founder Gudni Gudnason, Hierophant

Ipsissimus Gudni is the Founder of the Modern Mystery School & is the one who brought this Lineage out of the realm of the secret when in 1997 he was allowed to open the school to the public. He is called Founder Gudni to honor that event and his efforts to bring these ancient profound teachings to the world, teachings that assist people in feeling inner peace, that in time will lead to World Peace.

“You are an eternal being.
You have never been born, therefore you can never die.”

Since early age, starting his mission in his youth, Modern Mystery School Founder Gudni Gudnason has travelled the world, inspiring hundreds of thousands of individuals to awaken to the possibility of World Peace. With the Initiates he shares deep Hermetic and Esoteric teachings, the practice of true Alchemy and Kabbalah, and the mastery of Salomonic and Enochian magick, among many others of the secret deeper mysteries.

He will always promote living a life of pure magick, embracing the royalty of the divine self within and finding JOY in life. You will find Ipsissimus Gudni putting this power into practice by not only being a great teacher and reminder to many, but also creating art, writing poetry, making music, producing movies and enjoying living life to the fullest.

Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon

Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave THOR Lanyon has been the driving force behind the explosive growth of The Mystery School since he joined the Lineage in 2004 and we have seen the school expand from 12 countries to 55 with his efforts. Dave has dedicated his life to serving the world by teaching, healing and helping people from all walks of life to Know Thyself. He is an expert at identifying what is blocking a person and at navigating them to high frequencies and deeper understandings.

“Every moment of time we are given the choice between light and dark, 
positive and negative, good and evil. A Warrior of Light learns to be wise enough to distinguish the difference and recognizing the choice, they choose Light, even though it is often the harder of the two. 
Our ultimate weapon is Love, our shield is Peace, our fuel is Passion and our goal is Joy.”

Having been activated in the Great Pyramid of Giza, he is initiated a Knight Templar and leads the worldwide Order of the Warriors of Light. He is a High Priest of Egyptian Magick, a Master of Enochian Magick and specialist of Viking, Celtic, and Egyptian Shamanism and much more.

Ipsissimus Dave is a world class accomplished Martial Art Instructor of many styles and has been helping to teach, coach and motivate people for many decades. Harnessing the mental and physical strength that comes from working within the various martial art disciplines, along with his years of business, economic and marketing specialization, Ipsissimus Dave brings to the table a wealth of experience to enhance the spiritual work of the Modern Mystery School and mission of creating World Peace.

Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome

Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome has been instrumental behind the growth of the Mystery School since he joined the lineage in the year 2000. He immediately saw the importance of the mission of World Peace and wanted to support this undertaking right away. He has worked passionately ever since.

“It is easy to be calm when you are meditating.
It is easy to visualize when you meditate sitting still.
It is easy to think positive while in a temple.

Can you be calm, positive and have clear vision while you are moving through life?

The universal life force has to controlled both inside and outside of you; 
with this you can have full control over your inner and outer universe.”

He comes from a pure Japanese Bushi or Samurai family, and accesses that amazing power in his work within the Modern Mystery School. When teaching he does so with humor and fun so that the students relax and enjoy their study. While Ipsissimus Hideto lived as a businessman in the USA for many years, he learned about other cultures, their ways and traditions, fostering his love for all of humanity. He has travelled extensively around the world to learn about people and how to serve them in the best way. He is Initiated as Priest of Mikkyo Esoteric Buddhism, Viking Shaman, Celtic Shaman, Knight Templar, Egyptian Shaman & more.

As a master healer and head instructor of the Ensofic Ray Institute, he brings to the people an awareness of the beauty and good within themselves, in order to inspire the deepest healing and empowerment that they can achieve.


In 2017, when the Third Order was initiated, the Council of 12 was also activated. The Council of 12 is a group of 12 women, high-level initiates from all over the world who serve as leadership for the Modern Mystery School.

The Council of 12 work directly with the Third Order to execute the directives of the Hierarchy of Light for service to humanity on this earth. The 12 women provide council, confirmation and conference to the members of the Third Order about the various projects and missions of the MMS.

The women to occupy the seats on the Council of 12 are:


Ipsissimus Eiko Gudnason
Ipsissimus Luisa Nakagome
Ipsissimus Tsukiko Kimura
Divina Maiko Machiya
Divina Sincere Rohi (Hiroko Ito)
Divina Hitomi Shibuya


Ipsissimus Franca Lanyon
Ipsissimus Theresa Bullard
Divina Kate Bartram-Brown
Divina Rita van den Berg
Divina Liza Rossi
Divina Ann Donnelly

The women who occupy the seats of the Council of 12 rotate through their roles as is needed so you will see some of these women shift and change year-to-year.

The installation in 2017 has allowed for the Goddess power and connection with the Shekinah to be anchored through these structures of the Third Order. This manifests as the implementation of the various levels of operation required for the running of the Modern Mystery School.

More information about our Lineage can be found here.