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Spiritual Intuition I: Aurora & Jodie

Spiritual Intuition

Do you feel like there is more to this existence then what you see?

Learn to connect your subtle, or psychic, senses to your physical senses to ground your spiritual gifts (yes, we all have them) to your everyday existence! 

Do you want to  sense and feel energy? Do you already do this and  want to strengthen and control those gifts? 

Are you empathic but overwhelmed by the energies you sense from others? Would you benefit from more  control of  your boundaries?

Our physical senses each have their subtle counter parts.  This Spiritual Intuition workshop helps us tune in to, strengthen and control our abilities to perceive with these subtle senses. 

In Spiritual Intuition, you will learn:

-types of perception
-exercise to enhance your subtle sense
-what healings, teachings and practices can help enhance your senses and help you mediate the information coming in if you are already quite sensitive 

Come play and learn !


August 14

Astral Travel I: Aurora & Jodie

September 18

Sacred Geometry I