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Universal Kabbalah


*Welcome to the course that changed my life! 

KABBALAH 1: Saturday-Sunday, February 3 & 4, 2024

KABBALAH 2: Saturday, June 1, 2024

KABBALAH 3: Saturday, September 7, 2024

KABBALAH 4: Friday-Sunday, December 6, 7 & 8, 2024

*Plus 11 study groups scheduled monthly between Kabbalah 1 and Kabbalah 4, held both in person (for Winnipegers) and online (for out of towners). 

Know Thyself is the motto of the Mystery School, and the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is an ancient, mystical system that allows us to get to know ourselves better. In learning about ourselves, we come into awareness of our divine nature and therefore coming into a deeper connection with God.

Kabbalah is designed to answer these 5 questions, the questions of the ages:

Who am I?

What am I?

Where did I come from?

Where am I going?

What is my purpose?

The magick of the Kabbalah is revealed through a glyph, or symbol, known as the Tree of Life. In studying this Tree, we take our experience of our own life into a higher realm of consciousness and awareness. In the 10 month Ascension Program of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah, your Kabbalah will facilitate a journey that will allow you to take an introspective look at your life, thoughts, actions and emotional patterning while ascending you up the Tree of Life, bringing you closer and closer to God and your own divine nature.

The Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is not only about the knowledge and wisdom of Kabbalah, but it is also a process of ascension — a spiritual and alchemical transformation that will change your life forever.

I cannot put into words what the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah System has done for my life and my personal growth. To me it is the key to world peace. It is a sacred system that all life has been born from. It is the meeting place for all thoughts, beliefs and religions. It is the mastery of the mind and consciousness. It is ACTUALLY the art and science of how we manifest. It is about BEING HUMAN. If you have ever wanted to know about yourself, then this is the path. 

Receiving healings is powerful for our evolution, but there comes a time when we just have to LET GO of things in our mind, belief patterns, and actions. Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is the fast way to let go, and permanently eliminate what we have stored in the subconscious mind. You create so much faster and have more joy when you eliminate the junk stored in your subconscious.

Some of the Benefits of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah:

Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is about metaphysical keys that open you up to higher knowledge and understanding, so that you may be of higher service to yourself and the world. 

Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah teaches you how to be balanced, how to walk life on the Middle Pillar. How to not let anything external affect your inner peace. 

Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah heals deep deep wounds and trauma. 

Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah teaches you how to LIVE LIFE ALIVE!

Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah helps you to balance your inner masculine & feminine energies and how to live as these highest archetypes in your life. 

Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is about having ultimate freedom in your life. 

I believe that everyone needs to do the Kabbalah Ascension at least once in their lives. We spend so much time and money and energy learning about ‘things’ that it’s time to really ‘Know Thyself’. 

PRE-REQUISITE: Empower Thyself – Adept Initiation


Kabbalah 1 ~ $900

Kabbalah 2 ~ $900

Kabbalah 3 ~ $900

Kabbalah 4 ~ $900  + retreat costs

If you are a Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner:

Kabbalah 1 ~ $700

Kabbalah 2 ~ $700

Kabbalah 3 ~ $700

Kabbalah 4 ~ $700 + retreat costs

*You must be a certified LAP for each of the 4 Kabbalah classes or your class price changes to Adept pricing. 

DEPOSIT DUE: $450 (due before each of the classes, Kabbalah 1-4)

**All prices listed are in Canadian Dollars**


If you are an ADEPT: The cost is the same as a new student.  

If you are a Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner:

Same as a new student. 

*You must be a certified LAP for each of the 4 Kabbalah classes or your class price changes to Adept pricing. 


If you decide to attend Healers Academy during the course of Kabbalah, your tuition fee will drop from $900 to $700 per ascension for the remaining portion of the journey. (Your certification as LAP must be current in order to receive this discount.)

AUDIT DEPOSIT DUE: Full payment (due before each of the classes, Kabbalah 1-4)


Study Group Fees = $30 x 11 (or $220 if paid in advance). 

Scheduled approximately every 3-4 weeks.

$220 paid on the Kabbalah 1 weekend.

5% tax is included on top of each price listed. 


Temple23 Winnipeg 

62 Albert St, Unit 500

Winnipeg, MB

R3B 1E9

Should you have any questions about the program, please contact facilitator Sarah Hauch for more information at

To register, please contact Sarah at 431-335-2867 or

February 1

Max Meditation™

February 4

Max Meditation™