Upcoming events.

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Empower Thyself: Sarah
to Sep. 22

Empower Thyself: Sarah

This course will introduce you to metaphysical concepts and ancient teachings to EMPOWER your life with the secrets of the sages that have been kept hidden throughout history. The Empower Thyself Initiation enters you into the ancient lineage of King Salomon, handed down from teacher to student for 3000 years. This is a powerful lineage with deep metaphysical teachings that have withstood the eons of time. As handed down by an official Guide in the Modern Mystery School, the Adept Initiation brings you 10 times greater empowerment to make the energetic and physical changes you need to reach your full potential.

The tools you receive, as well as the energetic attunements, will create a change in you for to finally feel content. Life has programmed you since you were a kid, telling you what happiness looks like. The Mystery School deprograms you, and gives you the tools to create the life your soul desires, not your mind.

You will learn about how your own energy systems works, how the Hierarchy of Light and heaven is structured, how to work with the Archangels and Angels to guide your life, as well as sacred tools such as rituals, meditations and prayer. Learn to work with energy to manifest the life you truly want to live! 

This is a two-day program, and its completion is marked with a sacred initiation ceremony.

How do I know Initiation is right for me?

  • You have a distinct and definite knowing inside of you that you have a great purpose to fulfill

  • You are inspired to make a difference in this world

  • You are committed to your own spiritual growth and self-development in a real, tangible way

  • You are willing to do what it takes to live a fulfilled, joyful and abundant life

  • You are someone who believe this there is more to this life than just the physical experience

  • You are aware of a greater consciousness beyond this level of reality

  • You have tried many different spiritual programs and paths, while you may have found some truth there, there was always something missing

  • You have an inner calling, or resonance, that arises when you read this information or upon meeting a MMS Guide or Practitioner.

Sometimes there are no words to describe it, the inner knowing is enough. It is a feeling in your heart, your soul. It just feels right. Trust your intuition, to take a step that could very well transform your whole life.

Benefits of the Empower Thyself Program and Initiation

• The empowerment of 10 times more Light energy to direct toward your goals, dreams and desires in life
• Receive ancient tools and sacred rituals that initiates have used for thousands of years to awaken their divinity and align themselves with their true purpose
• Greater awareness and connectivity to your own intuition and inner guidance
• Access to hidden secrets of the mysteries of the universe
• Unlock the answers within yourself to questions such as, Who am I? Why am I here?
• Capability to grow your chi and protect your own personal energy field
• Permission to work with Angels and Light beings in a deeper way
• Permanently align your personal will power to flow in alignment with the will of God, Nature and the Universe
• Create a foundation of positive Light energy for you to more easily handle the challenges and obstacles that come up in life
• Ability to access further training in the Modern Mystery School, including higher initiations and deeper mystery teachings

WHEN: Sept 21 & 22, 2024
TIME: 2 full days
Deposit of $300 to hold your spot.

*Prerequisite: Life Activation

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Initiate & LAP night: (check-in)

Initiate & LAP night: (check-in)

Initiate Night 

When:  September 5th at 7 pm (arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Where: 500-62 Albert Street , Winnipeg

Shamballah Laboratory invites all Adepts in the Modern Mystery School to our Initiate Night!

Pre-requisite: Empower Thyself

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled ! 

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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7 Ancient Mystery Schools - Jodie

7 Ancient Mystery Schools - Jodie

Do you wonder about the spiritual teachings from around the world? Would you like to understand more about the source of the deepest teachings we have available to us on Earth?

The 7 Ancient Mystery Schools presentation engages your senses and take you on a journey around the world to schools of deep knowledge that  predates Google or anything in the New Age teachings.

This sensory journey will show you:

- the general location and purpose of each of the 7 Ancient Mystery Schools
- the atmosphere and energy of each school, by way of meditative story telling
- a ritual from each of the 7 Ancient Mystery Schools

Let’s have an adventure together, shall we?

$40 exchange

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Sanctuary Meditation with Jodie

Sanctuary Meditation with Jodie

Sanctuary Meditation:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Sanctuary Meditation is a fail-safe method for easily and safely expanding consciousness to reach the realm of your spiritual sanctuary, meet with your higher self, and receive clear guidance from within. This technique is a simple and effective way to access the higher dimensions of our reality and connect to our true selves and inner wisdom.

In this class, you will follow a series of steps that will open and expand the chakras and evoke the 3 Sacred Geometries of Creation to create an astral vehicle, which will enable you to safely and easily ascend through the dimensions of reality. This method is a foundational practice that can be used daily or as often as needed. For the experienced or beginner meditation practitioner, this approach will deepen your reflection and give you access to an intense sense of connectivity with your spirit and the soul knowledge you possess within yourself.

2-hour meditation

Exchange: $20

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

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Empower Thyself: Jodie
to Jul. 7

Empower Thyself: Jodie

Are you ready to choose your own adventure on this Earth?

The Empower Thyself weekend provides so many tools for self knowledge, growth and strengthening of Will. Protect your energy and choose your reality .

The world is full of challenge and change. Building our foundations of our own sovereignty provides each of us immense power to create the conditions of our own lives.

How does the Empower Thyself class and initiation help is do this?

In Empower Thyself, we learn to :

  • Take control of our own energy

  • Remove aspects of the negative energy

  • Learn about your energy body

  • Learn about the influence of the Ego on the true self

  • Understand the Hierarchy of Light

  • Change your thought patterns

  • Protect yourself from outside energy and intrusive thoughts

  • Learn about the power of the Universe and the progression of the Soul

  • Understand your psychic senses

  • Receive daily practises for protections and self-development

  • Amplify your personal power exponentially

The Adept initiation offers the opportunity to rebuild your foundation based upon your own power using the tools, with the power of unbroken Lineage of King Salomon the Wise.

My Highly Vibing friends, lets take it to the next level.

Let’s make this world shine with all of our brilliant lights!

2 Days
Exchange: $1200

Prerequisite: Life Activation (easily scheduled)

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Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Drum Circle & Guided Meditation

Drum Circle & Guided Meditation

Drum Circle & Guided Meditation

When:  March 27th at 7 pm (arrive 10-15 minutes early as we will start on time!)
Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg


Listen to your heartbeat. It's the rhythm of life, the backbeat within everything we experience and everything we do.

There's something truly magical about the collective energy and sound that a drum circle produces. It's not just about making music; it's about forging connections and expressing ourselves through the universal language of rhythm.

Whether you're an experienced drummer or have never touched a drum, this gathering is open to everyone. It's the perfect opportunity to let go of the stresses of daily life and enter a state of mindfulness.

Bring your drum if you have one, but don't worry if you don't – we'll have some extras to share.

We will start the evening with a short guided meditation to set the intention for the evening and connect to the present moment.

The event promises to be a unique and soul-enriching experience. We'll kick things off with a guided meditation, setting the intention for the evening and connecting with the present moment.

No drumming experience is necessary. We'll have seasoned drummers to guide and support you, helping you find your groove and make beautiful music together. If you're an experienced drummer, you'll find a welcoming space to share your skills and inspire others.

Let's come together, beat by beat, to create something truly extraordinary.

We can't wait to share this experience with you and look forward to seeing you at our drum circle.


Stay tuned for updates, and feel free to contact us for any questions or more information. Drum on!

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Spiritual Intuition I: Jodie

Spiritual Intuition I: Jodie

Spiritual Intuition

Do you feel like there is more to this existence then what you see?

Learn to connect your subtle, or psychic, senses to your physical senses to ground your spiritual gifts (yes, we all have them) to your everyday existence! 

Do you want to  sense and feel energy? Do you already do this and  want to strengthen and control those gifts? 

Are you empathic but overwhelmed by the energies you sense from others? Would you benefit from more  control of  your boundaries?

Our physical senses each have their subtle counter parts.  This Spiritual Intuition workshop helps us tune in to, strengthen and control our abilities to perceive with these subtle senses. 

In Spiritual Intuition, you will learn:

-types of perception
-exercise to enhance your subtle sense
-what healings, teachings and practices can help enhance your senses and help you mediate the information coming in if you are already quite sensitive 

Come play and learn !

2 hrs

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Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

Online Max Meditation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Online Max Medidtation™ with Sarah

Online Max Medidtation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Online Max Medidtation™ with Sarah

Online Max Medidtation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation™ with Jodie

Max Meditation TM:

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Join me for an in-person guided meditation every Thursday at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Be embraced by the incredible energy of the Shamballah Healing Center and enjoy a reset of the mind into peace.

Max Meditation (TM) works in 5 guided steps that make meditation more accessible to the busy mind:

-body relaxation

-clearing the mind

-resetting the mind with intent

-guided visualization


When approached in this way, meditation is an accessible practice in your journey to self-mastery.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Max Meditation™

Max Meditation™

Max Meditation TM:

When:  Feb 29th at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Shamballah Laboratory will hold in-person Max Meditations every Thursday.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Online Max Medidtation™ with Sarah

Online Max Medidtation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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Max Meditation™

Max Meditation™

Max Meditation TM:

When:  Feb 22nd at 7pm (Please arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Where: 500-62 Albert Street, Winnipeg

Shamballah Laboratory will hold in-person Max Meditations every Thursday.

Exchange: $5

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled! 

Do you feel drawn to a more quiet mind? Does meditation intimidate you?  Does it seem impossible for you to quiet your mind?

Max Meditation is a completely different way to meditate.  Passive meditation, or the very still mind, is only 1 of 5 steps in this 40-60 minute meditative journey. 

Max Meditation works with your racing thoughts to clear your mind and bring it to a place to be able to be still and receive new insights. 

Bring your doubts. Bring your busy brain. Bring your willingness to try.

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Online Max Medidtation™ with Sarah

Online Max Medidtation™ with Sarah

You probably already know about the benefits of meditation, and if you’re like me, you probably feel lik eyou want to be doin more of it.
So let’s earn those meditation benefits together.

Join me every Sunday morning for Max Meditation™ - the meditation system that evolves as you do. I’ve done this particular style of mediation for 15 years, and it’s just as powerful for me today as it was when I first started.

So get your tea latte, a cozy blanket and meet me on the mat.


Exchange: Free or $10 for a recorded version of the meditation
Meditation Experience Needed: None

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