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Sacred Geometry V: Sarah

Sacred Geometry 5: Fire Soul Infusion

In this training you are handed down the Fire Soul Infusion & Activation to do for clients. 

  • Lights a fire in the client to burn away blocks in their lives. Lord knows we could all use this. Despite great work we do to better ourselves, there are always blocks. To help your clients remove these is a huge service for them. 

  • Lights a fire that awakens a new level of passion and fire in your client’s life. Passion is the antidote for apathy. When your clients have more passion it can get them through the hard times, and stay in alignment. 

  • It starts the process of awakening the Kundalini energy.

  • AND, it strengthens the client’s magnetic body. Our magnetic body is what allows us to attract or repel things from our lives. For example, if a person is looking for a partner or the perfect personal assistant, you wouldn’t manifest these people, you would attract them. Strengthening the magnetic body of the client will see immediate results.


  • Certified Life Activation Practitioner

  • Sacred Geometry 4

  • Have had the Fire Soul Infusion & Activation on yourself within the past 12 months

8 hour course

October 8

Sacred Geometry IV: Sarah

October 12

Advanced Astral Travel (Level 2): Sarah