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Open Book Study

Book Study : “The Game Changers: Social Alchemy in the 21st Century “
by  Dr Theresa Bullard-Whyke

When:  September 13th at 7 pm (arrive 10-15 minutes early)

Where: 500-62 Albert Street , Winnipeg

Shamballah Laboratory will launch our first book study Wednesday August 9th at 7 pm.  

We have chosen a timely and magickal offering by esteemed teacher, physicist and metaphysician, Ipsissimus Divina Dr Theresa Bullard-Whyke. This is an impactful book to kick-off an ongoing series of books from the Adept reading list. 

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled ! 


Get your copy here early! :

“These are remarkable times. Just about everywhere we look right now change is afoot. What is all this change about? Why now? And how do we best adapt? Many have called this time a “quickening”, where the speed with which we must think, respond, and take action is accelerating. Systems are breaking down, people are rising up, and there is uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring.

In ancient times, the transformations that we've been through, and are going through now, would have been recognized as an alchemical process. That alchemical process is one of purifying and transforming us in a way that is meant to lift us up to a higher and more integral way of life on Earth.

This book is dedicated to times such as these, times of great transformation. It can be seen as a companion guide on how to navigate the tumultuous tides of change and understand the alchemy that is at work. It aims to put current events into a possible context within the evolutionary process that humanity is going through. Finally, it gives insights and solutions to empower you, the reader, to become a more conscious participant in these exciting times of change.

In this second edition of The Game Changers, author, physicist, and change-agent, Dr. Theresa Bullard, discusses emerging new paradigms, world events, future trends, and ancient wisdom that help reveal a bigger picture of what is happening.

As each of us dare to take an active role in transforming our lives and our world, educate ourselves in the ways of change, and empower others to do the same, then we can become the Game Changers that we have been waiting for.”

September 7

Astral Travel Practice

September 18

Sacred Geometry I