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Adept Book Study

Book Study : “Initiation: Solar and Human”
by Alice Bailey

When:  September 27th at 7pm (arrive 10-15 minutes early)
Where: 500-62 Albert Street , Winnipeg

Shamballah Laboratory will launch our Next Level Book Study with Alice Bailey’s “Initiation Solar and Human”.   This is an advanced metaphysical book which is a prequisite for Ritual Master training. Prerequisites, in the Mystery School Tradition, contain keys that assist the reader in absorbing new trainings that follow. 

*You must be an Adept with the Modern Mystery School to attend this book study.

Please note: all Shamballah Laboratory events will start precisely on time so please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled ! 


Get your copy here early!:


“Initiation, Human and Solar “ by renowned theosophist Alice Ann Bailey, was originally published in 1922. The work covers the order of the planetary hierarchy of spiritual entities, and its stages of mastery through initiation, by which it delineates the fourteen rules through which the neophyte initiate might become an applicant at the Portal of Initiation.

September 24

Max Meditation™

September 29

Full Moon Ceremony