Aura Clearing

the Egyptian Aura Clearing calls upon the archetypes

and energies of ancient Egypt in a powerful clearing ceremony

Once the aura healings have sealed the aura, the Egyptian Aura Clearing calls upon the archetypes and energies of ancient Egypt in a powerful clearing ceremony. This healing clears and balances the 7 layers of the aura and human body.

Experience the energies of Isis & Osiris (and so many more) for yourself as we call them in to clear and bless your energy body.
This is a truly experiential session and one of my absolute favourites.

What to Expect:

We’ll chat a bit , over a cup of tea.
Every healing starts with a heart opening, healing hug!
I like to give you a few minutes to integrate, relaxing in the calming energy of the healing room.
We’ll have a few minutes for you to share your experience or any questions as well.
