Core Will Infusion

Are you seeking more
clarity, and understanding of purpose?

The Core Will Infusion opens up the mind to recognize the will of the Higher Self. The will of the Higher Self always desires good. We may not always be in alignment with that Will.

By clearing and cleaning up the etheric structure, you become more balanced between the Will of God, the Will of the Universe & Nature and the Will of Humans. This creates immense clarity of life and purpose and opens up the mind to allow the self to be affected by the true Will of God.

Benefits of the Core Will Infusion

-cleaning and clearing the etheric body for greater energetic health
-Creating a stronger connection to the Will of God and goodness in life
-Deepening your understanding of the Will of Nature and the Universe and the Will of Humans
-Enhancing the clarity of your life and its purpose
-Restoring peace by reconnecting to the spiritual self and increasing reverence for life

The Core Will Infusion enhances the connection with the spiritual self, which in turn will help you more fully immerse in physical life! To LIVE OUT LOUD!

What to Expect:

We’ll chat a bit , over a cup of tea.
Every healing starts with a heart opening, healing hug!

You will be standing for this treatment . I will move around your body inscribing and activating sacred geometries into various areas of your energy body .

I like to give you a few minutes to integrate, relaxing in the calming energy of the healing room.
We’ll have a few minutes for you to share your experience or any questions as well.
