Emotional Cord Cutting

The cord cutting resets the emotional balance in a relationship, allowing us to perceive it more clearly,

or, if needed, release the relationship entirely.

We have energetic cords connecting us to everyone we meet and interact with in life, forming a web of connection. These ties are stronger if strong emotion was present when the cord attached.

Sometimes these ties are made with negative emotion. This keeps us stuck in place with the issues that surround the resting of these ties.

The emotional cord cutting is like clearing cobwebs of the negative ties that bind us. It can often remove much more emotional residue than we even perceive.

What to expect:

We’ll chat a bit , over a cup of tea.
When you are ready, I perform the cord cutting. Then, we burn away the ties, with intent.
Those ties leave room in your energy body so I also infuse you with Light.
Finally , we fill those gaps with your positive intent for the future.

I like to give you a few minutes to integrate, relaxing in the calming energy of the healing room.
We’ll have a few minutes for you to share your experience or any questions as well.
