Drew Girardin

So often, we dissociate through some form of addiction: substances, work or other behaviour.

It is this dissociation that will forever keep us from knowing a truly fulfilling life.

Having struggled with addiction and problems with self worth most of my life, I was on a downward spiral that was picking up speed until I put my preconceived notions aside, and gave spirituality a chance. From there, my life changed, and I accomplished more in the little time that followed than I had for the years when I was "spinning my wheels" living without direction or purpose. As a Healer and Guide myself, I want to build up those around me in order to make our world a better place. I have helped people deal with anger issues, those struggling with addiction, and finding their true potential!

I realize that it takes a lot to ask for help, especially if you don't think that you need it. but we all need a helping hand. I would be honoured to work with people who are willing to take a chance on me like I took a chance on someone who had my best interests in mind.

I am proud to be a part of Shamballah Laboratory alongside these incredible individuals. I truly believe that together, we can make a difference!